Higher Education

Higher Education

I am a professional writer with 25 years of experience in writing for higher education institutions and adult learning organizations, both on the academic side and the research side. I can help with blog posts and articles, newsletters, case studies, white papers, and faculty and staff bios.

Blog Posts/Articles

Articles are similar to the blog posts, but are typically published in custom publications or trade journals. Ideally, they will direct readers to your website for more information.

Article for the Community College Daily..

Blogs give your audience insight into what you have to offer. A blog also helps to bring people to your website, because search engines index each new post. Each post usually has a “call to action” that requires the visitor to share their contact information in return for a free item, such as a newsletter or white paper. With this information in hand, you know who has visited your website and how to reach them.

Blog post I for the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment at Princeton University.

Faculty and Staff Bios

How you describe the members of your college or university on your website says a lot about you. Are you super-intellectual? Are you approachable? Are you zany? Bios written with an intention to project your organizational culture can make or break someone’s decision to want to build a relationship with you. 

Profile of Grace Wang, former executive vice president for research, innovation and knowledge at The Ohio State University.

Case Studies

A case study is a story about how you have helped a stakeholder solve a problem. The case study can be anywhere from a few paragraphs to several pages long. It can be posted on your website, distributed through social media, and/or printed as a marketing piece.

Case study for the Mentor Collective describing Oklahoma State University’s use of their program.

White Papers

White papers use persuasion, facts, and figures for an in-depth description of a program, service or idea. The intended audience is your stakeholders who are in the information-seeking stage of their relationship with you. The tone is more formal than a brochure, but less formal than an academic paper. White papers are usually about 6-8 pages long.

This article contains details and complexity typically found in white papers.